Photography by Ashley Dell

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

A look back at 2012...

As most of you know, I am a mother of 2 little girls and work full-time. I only do photography on the side and decided several months back to take a break from it while I focused on my family.

My weekends became consumed with photography.  I would typically do my sessions in the morning which would only take a couple hours, but then came hours of editing.  I would try to do all of my editing while the girls were taking naps or after they had gone to bed at night, but as a result, I would stay up until the wee hours of the morning and be exhausted and worthless the next day.  I'd then go into the work week unrested, wouldn't get home from work until 6pm, feed, bathe and put the girls to bed, then stay up late finishing my editing before the next weekend and shoot, just to do it all over again.  It really began to run me down and devalued the limited amount of time I got to spend with Chris and the girls.  As much as I loved that creative outlet, I just didn't have the time needed to devote to it.  

I've spent the last couple days looking at some of my sessions from this past year and wanted to share a few (actually quite a few) of my favorites.  I also wanted to say "Thank you" to those of you that have supported my photography and always have such kind words to say about the pictures I take.  I have had the opportunity to take photos of some absolutely beautiful women and children over the past couple years and appreciate those of you that have followed along in my journey.

The sight of a funky chair, unique hair accessory or beautiful face gives me the itch for another shoot and I hope you'll see a few more from me this year.

Well, the girls are up from their nap, so I'll leave you with some of the beautiful faces of 2012... enjoy!

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